
Bitchass-ness in Hip Hop Part 1

Something has come to my attention in the last maybe 10 years or so in Hip-Hop. I decided to write about it recently when I was reading Big Ghost Chronicles' posts about the softest niggas in the game. I agree with pretty much everything he said in those posts, especially the shit about Wheelchair Jimmy trying to act hard, with his schizophrenic multiple personality type act. One second hes all thugged out, and the next hes crooning to all the ladies. HOWEVER since this blog is called " YOU KILLED HIP HOP " I will address the matters as such.

It is NOT Drakes fault that he is a sissy man. It's your fault for letting that whole style and essence become acceptable.

Look at these niggas. This is circa 1990 or whenever. Do you detect one iota of bitchass-ness?

Fuck no you dont. These guys didnt act like no bitches: they were about making dope music, being gangsta, and not being bitches. If any bitch-ness is being detected, your punk ass is probably too young to realize that this is how people dressed in the early 90s when they didn't want to look like bitches. Fast Foward to about ... lets say 1996 and go to the south.

White Tees and Soildier apparel.

Notice also that these guys don't look like bitches. Oh yea, and notice a young ass Lil Wayne at the bottom of the picture. All of you youngins born in 2001 don't realize that Lil Wayne ACTUALLY used to hang out with people that would make his current claims of gangsta violent activity sound almost legit, if it werent for the fact that he was all of 12 years old. The content of their music consisted of Smoking weed, Fucking bitches, busting caps in the asses of those who oppose their will, and other various alpha male statements. In addition to that: Bling Bling. White tees were pretty much standard issue for non bitch-ass niggas from 96-05. On the east coast and some of the west coast, they were wearing full on suits and things of that nature. In some circles the professional Gangster look was becoming normal. The whole Al Capone look really has no way of looking bitchass. This has kinda remained true till now. Then move along to early 2000 and go to the East Coast.


Personal hatred towards Fabolous aside... At least he didnt dress like no bitch. He did however make music for bitches.... ahem... girls.. Which you cant really be mad at because that type of shit sells. Ehhh enough of that guys music, his style is so Mother Goose I can't really bare to listen to him at all. In my opinion however East Coast around this time and era always dressed a little bit questionable... but whatever, they are just different from what I'm used to. Lets stay on the east coast and move to about 04.

its 50.... its 50

This guy makes music that everyone loves. From frat boys to 16 year old girls, to pimps, hustlers thugs and skateboarders. Notice the lack of bitchass-ness in his apparel. He is not dressing like a female to cater to females ( We will forget about those g-unit wife beaters for the sake of this post.) This guy is just thugged out making thugged out music for a thugged out audience. Then around here SOMETHING HAPPENED THAT WAS INCREDABLY ODD IN HIP HOP. 

I included a control in this picture. Notice how one of them looks like a rapper, and the other looks like he belongs in the X-Men

I believe it started with The Neptunes becoming a threat in music... but why The Neptunes? I mean didnt Pharell and crew hang out with The Clipse? The Clipse didnt act/dress/make music like bitches??? Many more questions are to be asked of this. At least The Neptunes made pretty nice music ( We wont count how they downgraded Big Snoops Discography in later years.... also Skateboard P don bus gun shots.)

Notice how the apparel is pink.... but still not bitchass .... somehow...

It was also around this time that Dipset and them guys starting making appearances. Them guys were anomalies in the sense that they wore pink, but didnt act like no bitches. They even coined the term " No Homo" and somehow when they used it it was all good. Scientists and Homo-ologists are still trying to research how and why they were able to do that shit. 

More research to be posted on Part 2 of this post